First Proof Of Frenzy!

It finally came!

I received my first proof copy of Frenzy  in the mail today. Even though the book has been available on Kindle since the end of January, having an actual paperback copy of it in my hands makes this journey much more real. This comes thanks to the people at Createspace.

Having my book in print sends the creative juices flying. Here I was just hammering out another chunk of story for Book Two when I heard the postman arrive (his name is Jerry and he's a great guy). It took a minute to tear off the cardboard packaging and felt a shudder run down my spine. I'm in print. It's for really real. I mean, here it is in honest-to-God physical form. I can touch it. I can thumb through it. I can put it on the shelf with the next to the many books authored by other folks and pretend I'm cruising a bookstore and come upon this magical find. It helps motivate me, seeing what fresh Hell Kyle runs into next.

Now that I've gotten that part out of my system (not really but am trying), to any other writers out there that have thought about tossing their stories into the mix and get published... do it! Try the traditional route. Query the agents and publishers. Take a chance. Don't sell yourself short. They get overwhelmed with oodles of work but are always looking for something new and fresh to take a chance on. And if that doesn't work: self-publish.

Aside from Amazon there are other companies willing to help you publish your titles so you to can wait by the mailbox like a kid on Christmas for your first copy of love and labor. It's exciting and rewarding. Take a chance.

Now, we get to read and re-read this puppy until we are sure that it is ready for public consumption. When I say we I mean me and my lovely wife, Christi. She's my number one fan and can't wait to help unlock the latest chapter.

Here's to a few more late nights.


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